Friday, August 5, 2011

Do You Have PTSD?

Do you have any of the following problems?

If you check at least seven of the following items and it is several months after you have experienced a catastrophic event, it is advisable to have a professional consultation to determine if therapy for PTSD is indicated.

  1. I have strong physical sensations (e.g., sweating, rapid heart beat) when I think about the event.

  2. I try to avoid having upsetting thoughts or having contact with things or places associated with the event.

  3. My feelings are numb and I have difficulty experiencing normal pleasure and happiness.

  4. I am always watchful to make sure I don’t experience the same event again.

  5. I have feelings of guilt associated with the traumatic event

  6. I have the feeling of being unreal or that the world is unreal.

  7. I feel alienated or isolated from others.

  8. I get irritated or angry a lot.

  9. I have flashbacks of the event (feeling like the past event is happening all over again in the present).

  10. I have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep because memories of the event come into my mind.

  11. I have memory difficulties and trouble concentrating these days.

  12. I am easily startled when I hear a loud noise or when danger seems imminent.

  13. I have been relying increasingly alcohol or drugs to get through the day.
If you or someone you love is suffering from the symptoms of PTSD, please contact us for more information about how we can help.
Dr. Quintal & Associates
Successful treatment of PTSD is possible.

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